Form Checks with Rip | Starting Strength Radio #264

Rip explains the correct method for recording yourself for a form check while also reviewing videos submitted by members of the Starting Strength Network.

  • 00:32 Surviving tornados
  • 04:53 Comments from the Haters!
  • 16:06 About form check and expectations
  • 18:29 The squat
  • 33:00 The deadlift
  • 37:33 The press
  • 39:29 Bench press
  • 40:34 Power clean
  • 52:31 Zach’s press
  • 55:17 Marty’s squat
  • 59:57 Marty’s deadlift
  • 1:04:01 Josselin’s deadlift
  • 1:06:16 Josselin’s squat
  • 1:09:23 Josselin’s bench
  • 1:11:51 FatFact’s squat
  • 1:13:45 One more power clean

Credit : Source Post

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